Wednesday Oct 18, 2023

E01: Getting Past the Headlines: Deeper Market Research for Real Estate Investors

Uncover the advantages of single-family rentals in a limited inventory market! Join us for an insightful episode where we explore the single-family affordable housing space, market trends, and strategies. We also debunk property crash predictions, examine affordability and catalysts, and emphasize the importance of market due diligence.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:

  • The single-family affordable housing space
  • Single-family affordable housing market trends and strategies
  • Debunking property crash predictions
  • Affordability and catalysts
  • Focusing on market due diligence

Episode Highlights:

[11:52] Uncovering the Advantages of Single-Family Rentals in a Limited Inventory Market

Single-family rentals offer multiple advantages, such as flexibility and potential for different uses. Unlike multifamily properties that are primarily used for rentals, single-family homes can serve as both rental properties and primary residences. Additionally, the market for single-family rentals has experienced growth due to factors like inventory constraints resulting from the 2008-2009 housing crisis. Many home builders and developers liquidated their land holdings at that time, leading to a shortage of available properties. As a result, there is still a lack of inventory, particularly in new construction, which contributes to the demand for single-family rentals.

[14:24] Debunking Property Crash Predictions

People's fears stem from the rapid appreciation of property values in recent years, reminiscent of the 2006-2007 housing bubble. However, Wade argues that the current environment is vastly different. Inventory will continue to be the primary driving factor for the real estate market in the next ten years. Unless there are unforeseen economic events, the scarcity of inventory is likely to sustain property values.

[17:25] Affordability and Catalysts: Examining Factors Affecting the Real Estate Market

  • In the current landscape of home purchases, affordability has become a central topic of conversation. With interest rates hovering over 7% for many individuals, affordability becomes a concern. However, it is important to note that some lucky individuals enjoy interest rates that are significantly lower. Therefore, for a significant catalyst to occur, wages would have to undergo substantial constriction. While anomalies are always possible in the market, there are experts closely monitoring the situation, searching for reasons or catalysts that could result in such an anomaly, similar to the events of 2008. Reflecting on the past, it becomes evident that the signs of the 2008 crisis were present, making it less of an anomaly. Currently, it is challenging to identify catalysts that could lead to a higher supply in the real estate market. 

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